GIHS P&C meets the first Tuesday of every month commencing at 6pm.
This will be held in the Common Room at Glen Innes High School. Please enter from the front office and turn right heading down the hallway to the south.
We would love to have all interested parents; careers and any interested members of the community attend and contribute to our community school.
If you would like to have any item added to the Agenda to discuss in General Business, please email that to or phone Leanne Eastwood 0439 454 541.
The P&C meetings are a great way to be more informed on your child’s education and build connections with the school leadership.
Executive Members for 2024
President: Leanne Eastwood
Treasurer: Nicole Husband
Secretary: Natasha ward
Deputy: President Gordon McBain
Deputy: President Tammy Kerr
Thank you in advance