Glen Innes High School

Respect, Responsibility, Diligence

Telephone02 6732 1322

Benefits of language study

There are many ways in which the study of languages can benefit students throughout their school career and later in life. Perhaps the most important benefit of all is that students become better users of English language, through studying languages other than English.

How language study helps your student across different Key Learning Areas:


Students of language learn how to understand and apply formal grammar and effective communication in a variety of spoken and written forms.


Students of language develop mental skills in memorisation and precision of thought. Exposure to different forms of numeracy also enable students to think about the concept of the pure numbers that exist "behind" the words.


Language activities and assignments usually require students to work in pairs or groups. The ability to work with a team on large and complex projects is an essential skill for any future scientist.


Language study engages students with different cultures and societies, which is of great value in History, Geography, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Studies and related subjects.


Through language study, students engage in a journey of self-development as they challenge themselves at 'something new' that they would not normally encounter. We also explore sports and leisure activities in different countries.

Art, Music, Drama, Textiles

Language and artistic performance are inseparable. The links between language, art, music and drama are explored through fun, engaging activities.

Food and Industrial technologies

The course provides practical opportunities for students to make (and cook!) a variety of tangible items.


There are extensive opportunities for students to use multimedia and online technologies to assist their language study and prepare assignments.

Other articles that explain the benefits of studying languages:

NSW Department of Education

Kaplan International Colleges

What English speakers gain from language study

Next: Current projects in languages