Glen Innes High School

Respect, Responsibility, Diligence

Telephone02 6732 1322

Year 9

Here you will find links to year 9 student resources for all stage 5 subjects within the HSIE faculty.


Due Thursday Week 4 - Industrial revolution (pdf 114 KB)

Industrial Revolution




History revision 2016 (docx 878 KB)

Semester 2 History revision (docx 448 KB)


From Gallipoli to Dili (pdf 3026 KB)

Ideologies (ppt 7437 KB)

Worse than slavery (docx 23 KB)

For and against federation (docx 170 KB)

White Australia Policy (docx 14 KB)

Industrial Revolution (pdf 1405 KB)


Sir Henry Parkes - Federation



Powerpoint Presentations

Australia WW1 (pptx 828 KB)

Conscription WW1 (pptx 1437 KB)

causes (ppt 6439 KB)


WW1 Trenches




WW1 - Australian War Memorial Website

Gallipoli and the ANZACS - Australian Government website about the ANZACS

Interactive Gallipoli - excellent website from the ABC focusing on the Gallipoli campaign. This is an interactive 3D website with brilliant reenactments, information and teacher resources.



Trial by fire WW1

The Great War Trenches