Glen Innes High School

Respect, Responsibility, Diligence

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Preliminary Society and Culture

mean girls article

mean girls article (docx 166 KB)

Revision: The following list of websites will be HIGHLY beneficial to students for revision of the three topic areas for this course.


Help for essay writing!!!!


essay writing visual guide (pdf 2315 KB)

essay guide

help for essays

Essay reminder



Practice essay questions

  • Name the 9 core concepts of Society and Culture. Explain how TWO of these concepts link between your micro, macro and meso worlds. How can technology affect any one of these concepts?
  • What is social and cultural literacy? Explain how the Society and Culture course could help develop your social and cultural literacy?
  •  Explain how socialisation has impacted upon your sense of identity. In your answer you MUST refer to at leaset ONE theory of adolescent development.
  • Analyse the value of media in helping you understand continuity and change in the experience of adolescents in western society.
  • Define 'rites of passage'. Explain how personal experience can help you understand the term.
  • Explain the factors that contribute to effective communication.
  • Discuss the place of gender roles in the intercultural communication process.
  • Evaluate the importance of cultural relativism in intercultural communication between Australians and people in a selected country.


ALL topics

Online quiz

Concepts quiz




Glossary -

List of other resources available -

revision document (docx 388 KB)



Social and Cultural World

Mr Steven Newman -

 introduction to SAC (pptx 62 KB)

Social and Cultural World (pptx 411 KB)

Amish (pptx 960 KB)


Personal and Social Identity

personal and social identity

Mr Steven Newman -

personal and social identit (docx 14 KB)

coming of age (pptx 175 KB)

growing up (pptx 422 KB)

identity formation (pptx 116 KB)

Gender (ppt 183 KB)

Social Class and Status (ppt 2165 KB)

NAture vs Nurture 2 (pptx 1188 KB)

Adolescence- social constru (pptx 88 KB)

Yolgnu Boy (pptx 379 KB)


20 20 a story of transgender children


Genie Wiley - Wild Child


Erik Erikson's 8 stages of development



Intercultural Communication

intercultural communication


Mr Steven Newman -

Intercultural communication (pptx 800 KB)

effect of culture on comm (pptx 233 KB)


Joey acting 19

Guys Yell Girls Scream