HSC Subject Selection Evening for Year 10
All year 10 students and their Parents are encouraged to attend this extremely important information evening regarding subject selections for the HSC.
When: Wednesday 8th August, 2016
TIme: 6.30pm
Where: Old Hall, Glen Innes High School
PLEAS NOTE: Subject selection forms will be due to Mr Schmitzer no later than 22nd August.
Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews
All year 10 will be meeting with Mrs Schafer to discuss their subject choice pattern.
When: 11-19th August.
Parents are most welcome to join their child at the interview. I will be sending an interview schedule home shortly or feel free to call me to arrange an appointment. 67321322
Year 12 "Where To Now?" Information Evening
All Year 12 are encouraged to attend this information evening. There will be lots of information about what study, employment, financial options are available to you after you finish school.
When: 31st August
Time: 6.30pm
Where: Old Hall, Glen Innes High School